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Month: October 2020

Two myths related to trusts

Estate planning is confusing enough without the myths provided over Facebook. This can be especially true when it comes to trusts. Indeed, the word, trust, can often cause one’s eyes to glaze over, even an attorney. But, of course to create one, one will definitely...

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The importance of writing a will

Every adult in Florida should have a last will and testament, but many do not. Nationally, only about one-third of American adults have written a will. This is a missed opportunity for people to exert some control over how their estate will be handled. Proper estate...

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What are revocable trusts?

For those with a lot of assets, the estate planning process is much more complicated, but it is also much more important. After all, no one wants Uncle Sam or the state taking their hard earned assets, when they could have gone to our loved ones and beloved charities....

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